WE TECH │ Your Trusted One-Stop Components Solution

Quality Assurance

We achieved ISO 9001 certification by implementing a rigorous quality assurance process and advanced inspection techniques. Serving the most demanding industries has strengthened our procedures and documentation capabilities, ensuring excellence at every level.

All our suppliers are ISO 9001 certified and hold industry-specific certifications, such as:

AS 9100 for aerospace
ISO 13485 for medical devices
ISO 14001 for environmental sustainability
ISO 1460 for product carbon footprint standards
IATF 16949 for the automotive industry


Heat treaters comply with CQI-9
Platers comply with CQI-11 & CQI-12
Factories must pass onsite inspections
Quality self-assessments are required
5M’s of management are enforced

This commitment ensures the highest quality and compliance across all industries we serve.

Let’s Work on Your Project

Tell us about your needs, and we’ll provide a quote. Please include the following details:

Company Name
Email Address
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Project Description
ISO 證書
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